Ayer eran los pelos, cabellos peluca y nudos gordianos.
¿Y si lo cortábamos todo?
Margarita con tijera
Monika Dopper
Amo las tijeras, creo que es algo que me viene de niña. Mi mami tenía una tijera grande de metal muy preciada porque era su tijera de costura y no nos dejaba cortar nada más con ella para que no se le mellara...
Del lat. *gemellāre 'igualar', de gemellus 'gemelo'.
Quienes trabajan con telas y costuras saben que una tijera debe mantener su filo y por eso cada tijera está dedicada a una sola cosa: la que corta tela a las telas, la que corta papel al papel. El filo es muy preciado, cuando se pierde no se recupera.
En mi jardín el fin del mundo se ensaña con la tierra yerma, tiembla la casa toda.
Me llegan olores de yerbas arrancadas violentamente, descabezadas, desenraizadas sin piedad.
Me asomo a la ventana: luna menguante sonriente... perfecta para cortar.
¿Cortar la realidad al frente para buscar tus sueños o cortar el peso detrás para salir volando?
También cortamos con el pasado (cae por esta madriguera si quieres perderte en el tiempo), cortamos para abrir paquetes de regalos, cortamos para enderezar y liberar.
Hay quien danza para cortar.
“Perhaps you have found something you did not expect. You have looked into the darkness and found your greatest fear. You are being shown what you have placed in the shadows of your consciousness. What you wanted to forget has raised its head, but only to ask if you have gained enough wisdom and strength to deal with it more fully.
It may seem like a nightmare at first. You may not want to look at it. But you must accept your dark side, your hidden desires and integrate them with your light side in order to experience wholeness.”
You are never given a challenge that you do not have the skills to meet. It may seem as though you are shooting in the dark, but go ahead. Use the skills you have been working to develop. This is their supreme test.
A new surge of power awaits your success. The mask is lifted as you look behind the face of things to see that your fear was merely self-doubt rather than an external enemy. Take heart. Lift your bow of confidence, and shoot pure thoughts of love, strength and highest vision. Aim for the good of the whole.”
~Carol Bridges
"The Medicine Woman Inner Guidebook"
Se desenredaron los nudos, se limpió, se arreglo para ahora cortar, corto el pasado para poder volar..